Sometime in late August 2019 we broke the news of the birth of five babies to a DISADVANTAGED mother at Iganga Hospital. The public was excited and a sizeable number helped through the one month the preemies were in hospital. However, on discharge in late September most of the love ended there save for the help our Centre and the hospital that we have extended in form of a monthly medical visit to the family’s home (30 kms from Iganga town) over the last six months.
Well, the kids who have up until now been doing well, are sick and admitted at Iganga Hospital. The hospital has played its part as our colleague who has visited shared thus:
“All babies are admitted with diarrhea and vomiting. All admitted on general paediatric ward. They need some support for essential items including feeding for both mother and babies.”
Any support through the hospital management shall be highly appreciated.
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