Elizabeth Hentschel
Elizabeth Hentschel
Elizabeth is a Masters of Science student studying Global Health and Population at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Prior to her time at Harvard, Elizabeth graduated from the University of Michigan where she double majored in Biomolecular Science and International Studies with a focus in Global Health. Currently, Elizabeth is interning for the COMONETH Project at Makerere University’s Centre for Excellence in Maternal and Child Health. She is deeply interested in maternal and child health, and prior to working at Makerere, Elizabeth worked at HIV positive children at a social protection center in Vietnam, at community based health centers in India, and conducted three years of research on Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes in children at the University of Michigan. She hopes to use her experience with COMONETH to improve and build upon her quantitative and qualitative research skills, and gain a more in depth knowledge about data collection in rural areas.