In addition to being among a group of 31 experts that were appointed last year (2020) to the STAGE (Strategic and Technical Advisory Group of Experts), which provides strategic and technical advice to WHO on matters relating to Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent Health, and Nutrition (MNCAH&N). Our Team Lead Professor Peter Waiswa has been recognized by Expertscape’s PubMed-based algorithms that placed him in the top 1 percent of scholars writing about infant mortality over the past 10 years, a level labeled as an Expert in Infant Mortality. He has been ranked highly in contributing to global health, population characteristics health education, pregnancy complications, health services accessibility, social welfare, and mortality.
At Makerere University Center of Excellence for Maternal Newborn and Child Health, we would like to join the world to congratulate Professor Peter Waiswa and commend him for his great work and stewardship towards saving the lives of mothers and newborn. In an interview with this what he had to say about his work and Expertscape recognition.
Commenting on his recognition, Prof Waiswa said: “I am happy because it is good to work and your contribution is noticed. This however is not a one person thing, I have worked with very many people to see this work through like the mentors, collaborators, mentees, community members. But I am actually not that happy because just like that this expertise that we are seeing in paper is not translating into improvement for mothers and children. So, I think that is a hurdle real success will come when the infants are surviving and thriving and reaching their full potential so there is more work to be done.”