Health systems strengthening is a prerequisite in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3. As a measure for the attainment of Goal 3, there is need to apply inclusive approaches – to this note, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF have ignited efforts to reorient their child health strategy, shifting attention towards a life course perspective.
On 1st July 2021, our team lead – Prof Peter Waiswa facilitated a webinar that brought together international experts cultivating new ideas on what needs to be done to redesign child and adolescent health programming with a special focus in Uganda. Dr. Wilson Were of the World Health Organization told the participants that this webinar was more than important because the first decade of one’s life determines a lot, and it is very important and ignoring it was wrong. Joining him in this discussion was Dr. Christine Mugasha, Maternal and Child Health Program Management Specialist, USAID Uganda, Dr. Olive Sentumbwe (WHO, Uganda), Dr. Bodo Bongomin (WHO, Uganda), Dr. Flavia Mpanga (Head of Programs at UNICEF) among others shared different avenues for Uganda’s journey to better childhood and lifetime.
“…We are not saying anything new, but we are re-designing/refocusing; and sometimes it feels like it is impossible to achieve all this, but it is not; it always seems impossible until it is done. Working together with all these brains in Uganda and across the globe, we can improve the health and well-being of our children; make them a productive and healthy workforce; and make us all proud of our achievements.” -Dr. Flavia Mpanga
In this regard, we thank you for participating in the childhood redesign program online learning event. We hope you enjoyed the presentation and discussions. If you missed out or couldn’t attend the session, please click the link below to see the recorded video of the learning event. Attached are other event resources for your
Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/IsNZJRCc9pMZFF5wsQPsY46XRGiVUDNtzeA6zRFBpgwOtsu9uZJErNOGbNQJSOfq.CO-MGzT6jfnq44wC Access Pass code: tDb44*KY
For more information the event brief can be found here (source: USAID)