The Corona Virus pandemic is spreading around the world, I acknowledge that our lives have been changed drastically and on a very short notice. Many of us have received different emails sharing precautions in retort to this predicament. As one of the regional maternal newborn and child health hubs in Africa, with programs and studies reaching out to the vulnerable mothers, the center is not any different we are all affected.
The greatest fear is around how the vulnerable communities will be more unadorned. And in sub-Saharan Africa the pandemic is just beginning but it’s rapid spread is likely to create a continental disaster that requires a wide humanitarian focus. Globally, most especially LMICs cases have been reported, and Uganda where the Center is hosted is reporting initial cases (33) not mention the country’s health systems are in a fragile state meaning they will be hit especially vulnerable groups like the mothers and their children. It is very imperative that we help them prepare now for this raving disaster.
Below are some highlights of the work the center is doing to support vulnerable mothers especially those with new borns and expectant to prevent the spread of COVID 19, and ensure that we, as advocates of MNH prevail;
- Before the lockdown we trained VHTs in Busoga region in essential preventative measures in accordance with World Health Organization guidelines and, around the world, the village health teams will raise awareness of how to prevent the spread of the virus in their communities.
- Advocating for handwashing stations and social distancing on all our social media platforms.
- Advocating for provision of free pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) especially for expectant mothers and those with newborns.
- Coordination of communication among health workers in central and eastern region through a WhatsApp group where they share measures, they are using to combat COVID 19 at the facilities where they work, how they reach out to mothers for ANC, challenges they are facing during this trying and share cost effective coping mechanisms being applied.
- Through online and social channels, the center is raising awareness of the virus and how it spreads, combating dangerous misinformation, and developing a quick blog post on the website sharing information on COVID 19 response to work as a resource sharing how mothers and their babies can be supported providing cost effective coping mechanisms on COVID using the available local knowledge.
The health and safety of the Center family remains our primary concern. We stand committed to our staff and the vulnerable communities where we work, and we will do all we can to support them as this crisis develops through virtual support using advocacy and prayer.
During this time of vagueness, I am acutely appreciative for the people and communities in which I find comfort and support. You are part of that community, and I want to personally thank you for your continued dedication to mothers, babies and children in poverty around the world who also rely on you.
Special appreciation goes to the president of the republic of Uganda, the government, different ministries involved especially the Ministry of Health, The World Health Organization, the different development partners, and Makerere University with emphasis on Makerere University School of Public Health for the great support rendered to the affected people. This is the contest of our generation and, as we challenge this first-time enemy, I know we will face it as we have past encounters – together. And, collected, we will prevail. STAY HOME, STAY SAFE. _ Prof. Peter Waiswa.