Uganda continues to report poor health indicators largely because of demand side barriers like poor access to health care, lack of correct information on what to do or deeply rooted confounding beliefs. This is not without the existence of evidence-based lifesaving information, interventions or practices. Unfortunately, most of this critical life-saving information has remained largely inaccessible to majority of the population who are intended to practice or benefit from it.
Makerere University School of Public Health (MakSPH) under its core mandate of research and community service has been at the forefront of generating and translating knowledge albeit with minimal dissemination efforts. This locally generated information or knowledge has potential to improve the population’s life. However, if the knowledge generated is not widely shared or translated into easily understood plans, actions, its importance diminishes.
Through her Makerere University Centre of Excellence for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Research, the MakSPH, will be working with Family Television through a proposed health Program to disseminate topical health information to her viewers. This show will focus on sharing knowledge on topical issues in health such as Maternal, Newborn and Child Health services, reproductive health, early childhood development to all people in Uganda and all over the world for the internet audience. More about this show will be shared in the forthcoming issues of the Centre’s newsletter and media platforms.