Now more than ever, the Uganda Government is pushing for the integration of health services following a significant funding cut from the US Government which has sent shockwaves in the country and around the world.
For years, the United States has been a critical partner in Uganda’s health system, funding a wide range of services, including HIV/AIDS, TB, maternal and child health, and implementation research. Many of these programs were implemented through partnerships with local and international organizations, employing thousands of health workers and researchers.
However, with the abrupt termination of these funds, the Ugandan government and its implementing partners are facing considerable service disruptions.
In a bid to minimize the disruptions, in February, Dr Diana Atwine, the Health ministry’s permanent secretary issued a circular to hospital heads across the country calling for integration of health services delivery.
“Stand-alone HIV/TB clinics must be phased out and integrated into general outpatient services. The same physicians attending to chronic disease patients (Hypertension, diabetes etc.) should also manage HIV/AIDS and TB patients,” Dr Atwine’s circular read in part. “Stand alone ART pharmacies must be phased out. All medicines should be dispensed and accounted for with in the facility pharmacy system.” Commenting on the development, the Mak MNCH Centre Team Lead, Prof Peter Waiswa, described it as an opportunity for the MNCH Centre to intentionally work with MoH to operationalise this. “We will need operational, implementation and evaluation embedded research to learn together on how to effectively integrate at scale, equitably, with quality, and impact.”
Image credits: Aidsmap